We create content to
ignite Inspiration
and Engage audiences.

We ignite inspiration and connect consumers to the food and lifestyle content they desire.

About WMG

We Create, Inspire & Engage

our audiences by delivering exceptional and innovative content in an ever-changing media landscape. WMG uses multiple content distribution platforms—including print, social media, digital, mobile and video—to provide original and inspirational content to consumers and deliver advertising and marketing messages from partners in an integrated fashion.

At a Glance

Over 12 years of experience in the digital food & lifestyle space


Total Reach


Spot our Brands In:
Create. Inspire. Engage.

Capturing Audiences and Igniting Inspiration

  • The Power of Storytelling

Our brands inspire audiences through the power of demonstration and storytelling.

  • Encouraging Togetherness

WMG covers food through the lens of entertaining, celebrations and togetherness.

  • Enriching Everyday Life

We meet our audiences at every stage of life, with a demographic of over 85% women in multiple life stages, all seeking inspiration food and entertaining content.